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For more information on how Interplay: The Process of Interpersonal Communication powered by Oxford Insight can enrich the teaching and learning experience in your course, please visit or contact your Oxford University Press representative. Oxford Learning Link Oxford Learning Link is your central hub for a wealth of engaging instruc tor resources. Material hosted there includes the instructor’s manual, test bank, Lecture PowerPoints, and Image PowerPoints.

Acknowledgments The book you are reading wouldn’t have been possible without the help of many talented people. We are grateful to the many colleagues whose sug gestions have helped make this book a far better one:

Emily Abellon University of Denver Jessica Fabbricatore University of Georgia Stacy Fitzpatrick North Hennepin Community College Brooke Hanniff Cerritos College Brittany Hochstaetter Wake Tech Community College Julie Mayberry North Carolina State University Selena Pang University of Georgia Karri Pearson Normandale Community College Interplay continues to benefit from the contributions of these colleagues who helped shape previous editions: Julie Allee Ivy Tech Community College Heather Bixler College of the Sequoias Ellen Bland Central Carolina Community College Sandra Bodin-Lerner Kean University Jennifer Bone Front Range Community College Mark Bottita Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana Colleen Butcher University of Florida Chantele S. Carr Estrella Mountain College Leeva Chung University of San Diego Kathleen Czech Point Loma Nazarene University PROPERTY OF OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Marcanne Andersen Tidewater Community College Angie M. S. Anderson Anoka-Ramsey Community College Marie Arcidiacono Los Medanos College–Brentwood Campus Aurora Auter University of Southwestern Louisiana Margaret Baker Kalamazoo Valley Community College Nancy Bandiera LaGuardia Community College Sharon Beal Long Beach City College/Chapman University Constance Berman Berkshire Community College Diane M. Badzinski Colorado Christian University

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