


Revised and expanded sections include enhanced coverage of gender identity in Chapter 3; a new introduction to Chapter 6 (based on the pow erful story of a college valedictorian with nonspeaking autism); new ma terial and research on why we form relationships in Chapter 10; a new table elaborating Knapp’s relational stages in Chapter 10; a more inclusive rendering of friendship, gender, and communication in Chapter 11; a new section on fostering intimacy in Chapter 11; and an expanded section on civil dialogue in Chapter 13. There are also more than 450 new research citations in this edition, with up-to-date scholarship embedded through out every chapter. Activities Every chapter in this edition of Interplay ends with four new activities: Build Your Skill , Ethical Challenge , Reflection , and Self-Appraisal . These activities are referenced in the body of the chapter, with links to the activities in the ebook. Each chapter concludes with an Assessing Your Communication quiz. Digital Resources Whether you have taught with Interplay for many years or are encounter ing it for the first time, you’ll discover a toolkit of material that makes teaching more efficient and learning more effective.

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Interplay: The Process of Interpersonal Communication is available with Oxford Insight. Oxford Insight delivers the trusted and student-friendly content of Interplay within a powerful, data-driven learning experience designed to increase student success. A guided and curated learning en vironment—delivered either via LMS/VLE integration or as a standalone resource— Oxford Insight provides access to the e-book, multimedia resources, assignable/gradable activities and exercises, and analytics on student achievement and progress. Developed with applied social, motivational and personalized learn ing research, Oxford Insight enables instructors to deliver an immersive experience that empowers students by actively engaging them with as signed reading. This approach, paired with real-time actionable data about student performance, helps instructors ensure that all students are best supported along their unique learning paths. With Oxford Insight, instructors can: Assign auto-score multiple-choice, fill-in, and other machine-gradable questions Score specific items (including open-ended questions) with feedback Set personalized paths for students based on learner-specific performance Export grades and change grading points Establish a course roster and add/drop students Share courses and resources with students and faculty PROPERTY OF OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

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